Unique, primary key, referential, check, and functional dependency constraints are supported. 惟一约束、主键约束、参照约束、检查约束和函数依赖约束在这里都受支持。
The tool will find the deployment order, based on the functional dependency of each resource, for you. 该工具会根据资源之间的功能依赖关系来帮您决定部署顺序。
The optimizer will deduce key value selection based on the functional dependency of the column within the row. 优化器将根据行中列的函数依赖性来推断关键值选择。
Research on Mix-Set of Functional Dependency Multi-valued Dependency of Strong-Totally Ordered Temporal Scheme 强全序时态模式下函数依赖多值依赖混合集问题研究
A set of inference rules for XML weak functional dependency was presented and its soundness and completeness were given. 提出了相应的推理规则集,并对其正确性和完备性进行了证明。
When XML document comes forth incomplete information, XML functional dependency has also important meaning for the research of key, normal form and integral restriction for XML document. 当XML文档出现不完全信息时,XML函数依赖同样对于XML文档的键、规范化和完整性约束的研究具有重要意义。
Based on the concepts of subtree information equivalence and subtree information consistency, the definition of XML weak functional dependency was given and its properties were studied. 基于子树信息等价、子树信息相容的概念提出了XML弱函数依赖的定义和性质;
Comparison of Functional Dependency of XML and Relational Database XML与关系数据库的函数依赖比较
A Method for Mining Database Weak Functional Dependency Inference Rules 数据库弱函数依赖推理规则挖掘方法
In this paper, we give the two approaches of the definition of XML functional dependency, in which one is based on tree tuples and the other is based on path. 本文给出了基于树元组的XML函数依赖和基于路径的XML函数依赖的两种定义方法。
Study on the Covering Problem for Functional Dependency with Totally Ordered Temporal Scheme 全序时态模式下函数依赖集覆盖问题的研究
Study on Variation Point in Software Reuse Based on Functional Dependency 基于函数依赖关系的软件复用中变化点问题的研究
This paper presents algorithm of functional dependency set F of relation scheme R to compute the minimal cover of projection on an attribute set U of R, and also proves it correct. 给出了关系模式R的函数依赖集F在R的一个属性子集U上的投影的最小覆盖的算法,并证明了算法的正确性。
Temporal constraints is one of the primary research contents of constraints databases. Temporal functional dependency based on traditional relational databases was deeply researched by many scientists, a series of theories was presented, and lots of theses of scientific attainments were published. 时态约束是时态数据库研究的主要内容之一,基于传统关系数据库,许多学者在时态函数依赖约束问题上进行了深入的研究,提出了一系列理论并发表许多有学术价值的论文。
Based on formalized XML functional dependency definition, the different level normal forms for XML are defined, normalization rules for XMLdocuments, i.e., upgrading element rule and creating element rule are presented. 基于XML函数依赖形式化定义,给出XML不同级别范式的定义,提出XML文档规范化规则&元素提升规则和元素创建规则。
In this paper, first, based on the definitions of DTD and XML tree given by M.Arenas et al., concepts of null value, incomplete tree tuple are proposed, based on it, the definition of weak functional dependency and its satisfaction are given; 本文首先基于M.Arenas等人给定的XML中DTD和XML树的定义,提出空值、不完全树元组等概念,在此基础上,给出弱函数依赖及其满足性的定义;
In this part, the concepts of indirect functional dependency and transitive functional dependency for XML documents are proposed. And one XML normal form, XNF-1, is defined based on these concepts. 在这一部分,首先提出了关于XML文档的间接函数依赖和传递函数依赖的概念,并且基于这两个概念,提出了XML文档的一种范式XNF-1。
Finally, the relation between functional dependency and keys for XML documents are also studied in this part. 最后还进一步研究了XML文档的函数依赖和键的关系。
Key and functional dependency of XML base on DTD is further studied. 对基于DTD模式的XML的键和函数依赖做了进一步讨论。
There are two forms of functional dependency: absolute functional dependency and relative functional dependency. 它可以有两种不同类型的表现形式:绝对函数依赖和相对函数依赖。
Study on key and functional dependency of XML DTD 对XMLDTD中的键和函数依赖的探讨
The decomposition of a database schema to meet preserving functional dependency, lossless join, BCNF and no-α ring is one of the important problems of the theoretical research of a database and its application. 一个数据库模式分解为满足保持函数依赖、无损联接性、BCNF且无α环是数据库理论和应用研究的重要问题之一。
In this article, extend the definition of functional dependency used the stong satisfaction approach. 本文用一种强满足的方法,把函数依赖的定义扩展,使其符合不完全XML文档的情况,并把这种函致依赖称作XFD。
A Study on the Structure of Functional Dependency and Its Application 函数依赖结构的研究及应用
And a set of complete inference rules about XML functional dependency is given. 然后给出了关于XML文档的函数依赖的一组完备的推理规则集。
We discussed the applications of automata theory in the XML data processing. By extending the definition of DTD and tree automata, integrity constraint and functional dependency are introduced into query processing. The documents filter matching can be completed in one-pass scanning. 2. 研究了自动机理论在XML数据处理中的应用,通过扩展DTD及树自动机的定义,将完整性约束及函数依赖引入查询处理,能够实现在一遍扫描的条件下,完成文档流的过滤匹配。
The Functional dependency plays an important role in data integrity, query performance and data completion. Research of the XML Functional dependency is the foundation for other XML database technologies. 而函数依赖对于数据完整性、查询优化和数据集成等都具有非常重要的作用,对XML函数依赖的研究是进行XML数据库技术中其他相关研究的基础。
The notions of functional dependency and multivalued dependency in XML are given. 给出了XML函数依赖和XML多值依赖的定义。
According to the graph theory, relation schemas in database schema can be expressed clearly. This method combines the normalization theory and the semantic description of the variety of data using functional dependency, forms a new technique in complicated database design research. 通过图论中图的方式比较直观的表达数据库的数据模式,这种方法与数据规范化理论和函数依赖对数据库的数据多样性语义描述相结合,产生了一个针对复杂数据库的设计研究的新方法。